Diaper rash in babies – Dos & Donts

Diaper rash is redness and rash on a baby’s bottom or genital area. It is a very common rash. Most babies will get it from time to time. Normally, diaper rash can be treated easily at home. It often occurs in babies who sleep for many hours without waking so the wet diaper is on them longer.

Fungal or bacterial infections may be the cause of the diaper rash. The skin may be red and swollen with a mild rash or blister and peel in a severe rash. A diaper rash that becomes raw, oozes fluid, or bleeds is harder to treat.

What causes diaper rash?

Diaper rash can be caused by a number of factors, including:

  • Irritation from stool or urine. Babies left in a wet or dirty diaper for too long can get diaper rash. Frequent stools or diarrhea can also irritate the skin.
  • Friction. Diapers that rub against the skin or fit too tightly can cause irritation.
  • Candida infection. Candida is a fungus that grows in warm, moist places. The rash it causes, also called a yeast infection, is usually bright red with smaller red spots around the edges.
  • Allergic reaction. Soap, laundry detergent, fabric softener, disposable diapers, baby wipes, or lotions can irritate your baby’s skin. Watch your baby’s skin carefully for reactions. Stop using products that appear to cause a rash.
  • New foods. Changes in your baby’s diet can change the content and frequency of their stools. This can make diaper rash more likely. A breastfed baby could develop a rash in reaction to something the mother has eaten.
  • Antibiotics. Yeast infections are common after a baby has been taking antibiotics, or if the mother is on antibiotics while breastfeeding.

Symptoms of diaper rash

The most common symptom of diaper rash is red, tender-looking skin in the diaper area (buttocks, thighs, and genitals). It could be a few spots, or the rash could cover much of the diaper area. Babies with diaper rash often fuss or cry when the area is touched or cleaned.

In bad cases, the rash can cause pimples, blisters, or other sores on your baby’s diaper area. If the rash gets infected, it may become bright red and the skin may get swollen. Small red patches or spots may spread beyond the main part of the rash, even outside the diaper area.

Can diaper rash be prevented or avoided?

In many cases, diaper rash can be avoided or prevented. Make these steps part of your daily routine.

  • Check your baby’s diaper often and change it as soon as it’s wet or soiled.
  • Allow your baby’s skin to dry completely before putting on another diaper.
  • Secure diapers loosely to allow for airflow.
  • Don’t allow adhesive tabs to stick to your baby’s skin.
  • Wash your hands before and after changing diapers to prevent spreading germs that could cause infections.
  • Some babies get rashes often. You can apply a barrier ointment at every diaper change to prevent irritation. Products that contain zinc oxide (such as Desitin) or petroleum (such as Vaseline) are good choices.
  • Don’t use powders, such as cornstarch or baby powder, on your baby’s bottom. Inhaled powder can irritate their lungs.

Remember ABCDE in Diaper Rash


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